Public Works


Department Information

Jim Hanley Jim Hanley

Jim Hanley

Superintendent of Public Works
 Mike Piontkowski  Mike Piontkowski

Mike Piontkowski

Supervisor of Street/Alley Department

The Public Works Department handles the maintenance of all streets, parks and public buildings along with the maintenance of the storm sewer system which includes the storm sewers, catch basins and detention areas.  The Village has a very dedicated group of individuals who strive to have the village looking its best at all times.  Whether mowing grass in the summer, clearing snow in the winter or maintaining the storm sewer system, they work hard in all types of weather so that our residents and visitors can safely enjoy our village.

Streets & Alleys

  • Brush Pickup

    Attention:  Please do not place branches in the street or onto sidewalks.  Piles can be placed in the parkway (area between curb and sidewalk).

    As you begin your landscaping and outdoor clean-up plans, don’t  forget about the Village’s Branch Collection Program. Starting  in April  through October, village crews will pick up tree branches.  Please see “CALENDAR Tab” for specific dates.

    The Village is divided into two routes:  the North Route (north of Division and west of railroad tracks) and the South Route (south of Division and east of the railroad tracks).  The North Route is picked up on the 1st and 3rd  weeks of the month.  The South Route is picked up the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month.    Brush Route Map

    • Crews will only take branches no longer than 5 feet in length. Tree trunks larger than 5 inches in diameter must not be longer than 3 feet in length.
    • If there is a 5th week in the month, no route will be run.
    • This brush must not contain any stones, metal, roots, stumps, vines, willow whips, twigs and thorns.
    • Please stack all brush in neat, one directional piles on the parkway near the curb.  
    • Cutting and disposal of trees on private property is the sole responsibility of the resident.

    PLEASE NOTE:  Branches cut by a professional or hired contractor will not be picked up.  Also, vehicles should not be parked in a way that blocks access to the pile by our village personnel.

  • Curb Side Recycle Program

    2025 Recycle Schedule Stickers are now available.

    Stickers can be obtained at the Village Hall, the Manteno Library and Midland Bank.

    Never miss a pick-up date again!

    The following items may be placed in your container to be recycled:

    • Newspapers, tin, aluminum, glass (clear and colored), Plastic Bottles (#1 or #2), Magazines and Catalogs (shiny, glossy finished pages, phone books, chipboard, cardboard and junk mail) Corrugated Cardboard (empty and flatten)

    Please rinse out and remove lids, labels may be left on.

  • E-Waste

    The Village is proud to partner with the Kankakee County Board and other local municipalities to provide a simple solution for proper E-Waste disposal.  Residents can go to Belson Steel Center Scrap Inc., 1685 N. State Route 50, Bourbonnais (photo ID required) and drop off your E-waste during their open hours.  

                FAQ – Answers to E-Waste Questions

    Accepted items:  TV’s, Computers, all cordless appliances, printers, fax machines, radios, scanners, stereos, calculators, DVD players, Video game consoles, digital converter boxes, cable receivers, keyboards 

    Unaccepted items:  Air conditioners, microwaves, refrigerators, dryers, stoves, washers, water heaters

  • Free Wood Mulch

    The Village is offering wood chip mulch to any of the citizens of Manteno free of charge. The mulch is the chipped wood from the tree and branch pick up routes that are ran on Mondays. The mulch is load your own and use at your own risk. The Village will not be responsible for the quality of the mulch.

    The mulch can be picked up at the far end of South Main Street. (Follow the road off of South Main). The mulch is free for use by our citizens and not by hired or paid contractors.

    The village will restock the supply as long as the chipper route continues through October.

  • Mosquitos/ West Nile Virus / Zika Virus

    The most effective way to reduce the number of mosquitoes around homes and neighborhoods is to find and eliminate their breeding sites – standing water. Adults of some mosquito species remain near their breeding site. Others can travel long distances, even up to several miles. Because of this, problem mosquitoes may come from breeding sites some distance away. In order to reduce a mosquito population, the available habitats must be removed. There are effective steps that individuals can take to minimize mosquito breeding on their property.

    1. Dispose of old tires, buckets aluminum cans, plastic sheeting or other refuse that can hold water. Empty accumulated water from trash cans, boats, wheelbarrows, pet dishes, and flower pot bottoms. If possible, turn these items overwhen they are not in use.
    2. Clean debris from rain gutters and unclog obstructed downspouts. Clogged rain gutters are one of the most overlooked breeding sites for mosquitoes around homes. Remove any standing water on flat roofs or around structures. Repair leaking faucets and air conditioners that produce puddles for several days.
    3. Change water in bird baths and wading pools at least once a week and keep swimming pools cleaned and chlorinated. Ornamental pools can be aerated or stocked with mosquito-eating fish. Aeration / water movement helps because mosquitoes prefer quiet, non-flowing water for egg-laying and development.
    4. Fill or drain ditches and swampy areas, and other soil depressions and remove, drain, or fill tree holes and stumps with mortar or sealant to prevent accumulation of water. Eliminate standing water and seepage around animal water troughs, cisterns, and septic tanks. Be sure that cistern screens are intact and that access covers fit tightly.
    5. Irrigate lawns and gardens carefully to prevent water from standing for several days.

    Zika Virus FAQ’s:
    The Zika virus is spread by Aedes aegypti, which is found in tropical regions and coastal areas, but are present in many cities across the U.S.  (CDC Map).
    The Zika virus in NOT currently being transmitted by mosquitoes in the Manteno region.
    Zika mosquitoes generally travel only about 1/8 of a mile from where they are born.
    Mosquitoes that can carry Zika prefer to live near and bite only people.
    Birds are not known to be a factor in the Zika transmission cycle.
    The mosquitoes that can carry Zika are nicknamed “container breeders” because they lay eggs in very small amounts of water . . as little as a bottle cap of water.
    Zika mosquitoes are not like West Nile mosquitoes – Zika mosquitoes are most active during daytime hours. 

    What is the Village’s part?
    Use of a mosquito larvicide is the most beneficial step when it is impractical to eliminate a breeding site. The Village has an aggressive larvicide program that begins in May and ends in October. These doughnuts are placed in each catch basin in the storm system that is capable of holding or storing water for any extended periods of time. Other areas such as ponds, stagnant pools on undeveloped lots, ditches and spill ways are also treated by the Village. Each doughnut last up to 30 days to prevent the larva from maturing into pupae. It is lethal only to mosquito larvae and some aquatic gnats and black flies. Bti toxin is not harmful to fish, waterfowl, pets or humans when used according to label directions (USEPA, Pesticides, Mosquito Control, 2009).

  • Parking During Snowfall

    NOTICE:  Change in rules effective 3/7/22

    After a snowfall accumulation of two (2″) inches or more within a period of 24-hours it will be unlawful to park on ANY street within the village.

    Any person found to be in violation shall be subject to having the motor vehicle towed at owner’s expense, and may further be subject to a fine.

     For more details on parking restrictions during a snowfall see Village Codes, Section 7-6-15.

  • Yard-waste Disposal

    The Village’s yard waste program, through our garbage company,  begins in April and ends the last Monday in November. Please do not mix your yard waste or grass clippings with your normal trash. You MUST put yard waste and grass clippings in brown yard bags. You may put your yard waste in ANY yard waste bag but you will need to purchase the yard waste “sticker” from either Whitmore Ace Hardware or Berkots.  The refuse company for the village is Homewood/A&J Disposal 708-748-8381.

    ***It is against village ordinance to blow grass clippings into the street.

    Helpful Hint: If you leave the clippings on your lawn, they will form a thatch which is actually good for your lawn. This thatch acts as a protective barrier that preserves soil and moisture during dry spells, and keeps grass roots healthy as a result.

Garbage Collection

Garbage:    Effective July 1, 2018 a  moratorium on the collection of the monthly garbage fee has been approved.  This is a direct result from the sale of sewer system to Aqua Illinois and the interest that is gained from the proceeds of the sale.

Any village customer who formerly paid a monthly garbage fee will no longer receive a bill from the village for garbage collection.  The village will pay the garbage fees (household waste & recycle containers) for all single family, duplex and town home residences

New residents who move into the village are still required to set up an account with the village even though there is no charge.

             Please call 815-929-4800 to set up the account.

All residents are provided one (1) household waster container and one (1) recycle container.  If extra containers are required, the resident should call Homewood/A & J Disposal for the details  (708-748-8381).  There is a fee for extra containers.  Yard waste must be placed in brown bio-degradable sacks and have a Homewood/A & J Disposal sticker. 


Aqua Illinois serves the Village of Manteno with water from the Kankakee River.    Effective July 2, 2018 Aqua Illinois owns the village sewer system.

To set-up service, maintenance or questions please call: 1-877-987-2782.

At Aqua Illinois (Aqua) we know that water is a precious resource, one that plays a critical role in sustaining life, and we take seriously our responsibility to protect and provide it for our customers. Water meters are critical to this effort and they are required to be replaced as they age by the Public Utilities Act. Each year, Aqua undertakes a water meter replacement program for those customers with aged meters.  Aqua appreciates your help in making sure we are in compliance with the Public Utilities Act.

Sign Up for WaterSmart Alerts
To set-up service, maintenance, or questions
Call 1-877-987-2782

Hydrant Flushing

Aqua Illinois will do hydrant flushing during different times of the year. If you experience discoloration during those times, please do the following. We apologize for any inconveniences.

HELPFUL HINTS: On the day of hydrant flushing in your area please refrain from doing laundry to avoid any discoloration to your clothing. To make sure your lines are clear run the cold water only, for a short time.