Village Employment


Employment Information

Any available job openings are listed below.  Return a completed Employment Application and signed job description to the Village Hall, 98 East Third Street, Manteno, IL.   Please call 815-929-4800 with any questions. 

Lateral Entry Police Officer
The Board of Police and Fire Commissioners for the Village of Manteno is currently looking for highly qualified Lateral Police Officers who are currently in good standing with their current department. Please see the attached document for details. For more information contact the Manteno Police Department at (815)929-4801 or stop by the department located at 110 Marquette Place South, Manteno, IL.
Full Description
Crossing Guard (part-time)
Crossing guards assist children in crossing the street on their way to and from school. Crossing guards provide safe crossings of the roadways and model appropriate street skills and behavior for children. Starting pay: $14.60 per hour (2 hours per day)
Full Description