Village Clerk


Department Information

Robin Batka Robin Batka

Robin Batka

Village Clerk
Darla Hurley Darla Hurley

Darla Hurley

Deputy Village Clerk

The Village Clerk’s office has numerous responsibilities according to our Village Code and the Illinois Compiled Statutes. The clerk and deputy clerk are always available to help the residents of Manteno who may have questions.

The following is just a quick look at some of those duties:

  • Keeper of Village Seal
  • Attest and seal all Village documents
  • Maintain record of all Village documents
  • Maintain Village ordinances
  • Keep register of all licenses and permits
  • Attend meetings of the corporate authorities and keep a full record of their proceedings

Clerk’s Office Info

  • FOIA Request Info

    Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Inspection of Public Records Procedures:

    The Freedom of Information Act, 096-0542, is the Illinois Statute governing the inspection of public records. This Act provides for public inspection of records in the possession of the Village of Manteno. Exemptions also are provided to insure the confidentiality of certain records. The Act went into effect on Jan. 1, 2010.

    To Make a FOIA Request: To request copies of records or to personally inspect records, information must be requested in written form. A Freedom of Information Act Request Form is available for your convenience. Use of this form is recommended but not required.

    The Village will respond within five business days after the request is received (starting with the first business day after a request is received). In cases where additional time is necessary, a letter will be sent within the five business day period. Any written request emailed to the Village after business hours (normal business hours are considered to be 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, holidays excepted) will be considered received on the next business day.

    Completed requests should be delivered to the FOIA Officer via mail, email or in-person. Submit forms electronically via email to: ZGh1cmxleUB2aWxsYWdlb2ZtYW50ZW5vLmNvbQ==

    FOIA Officer:

    Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk
    98 East Third Street
    Manteno, IL 60950

  • FOIA Booklet

  • Mortgage Foreclosure Notices

    With respect to residential real estate mortgages


    Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/15-1503 foreclosure notices shall be sent to the following address:

    Village of Manteno
    Darla Hurley, Deputy Village Clerk
    98 East Third St.
    Manteno, IL 60950

  • Public Participation at Meetings

    The Village of Manteno Board of Trustees approved an ordinance (Ordinance 10-21) on March 21, 2011 and an updated ordinance (Ordinance 23-18) on February 5, 2024 that creates rules for public participation at all public meetings. The rules are listed below.

    The public is asked to provide their name and topic they wish to speak about on the sign-up sheet at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. The presiding officer will call each person when the time is appropriate during the meeting. 


    1. All persons wishing to speak must sign in prior to start of meeting.
    2. Comments must pertain to Village business.
    3. Comments should not be repetitious, irrelevant, immaterial or inappropriate.
    4. Speakers will be called by name by the presiding officer.
    5. Public participation shall be permitted during the public participation portion of any public meeting. It will not be permitted during any meeting which is deemed as a closed session under the Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.
    6. Speakers shall only be permitted to speak once and limit remarks to three (3) minutes.  Speakers will be informed when time has expired. 
    7. Speakers shall face and direct remarks to the public body as a whole and not to an individual board member, staff member, third party or the audience.
    8. Speakers may ask questions, but there shall be no obligation for individual board members or staff to respond.
    9. Conversations, questions, and debates between speakers and other audience members are prohibited.
    10. Speakers shall refrain from harassing or directing threats or personal attacks at board members, staff, other speakers or members of the audience.
    11. Members of audience shall maintain decorum and refrain from noisy outbursts or other distracting actions such as yelling, applauding, cheering, or booing during or at the conclusion of any remarks made by any speaker, staff member or public body member.
    12. Any person may be expelled from the board room for the remainder of a meeting if repeatedly or purposefully violating any rule or acts in a disorderly manner so as to disrupt the ability of the public body to conduct its meeting.
    13. Proxies or yielding time in whole or in part to another person shall not be permitted.
  • Election Information

    General Election – November 5, 2024

    Who is running for office:  Candidates for federal and statewide offices, state senator and state representatives, judges, and multi-County School offices.

    Consolidated Election – April 1, 2025

    Who is running for office:  Candidates for local offices.    

    Click here for:   Consolidated Election Information 

                                     2025 Candidate Guide

Voter’s Registration

Residents of the Village may come to the Village Hall during regular businees hours, excluding holidays to register to vote. You must bring 2 forms of identification, one being a photo ID.

For more details about on-line registering, lost voter’s cards, early voting or absentee voting please visit the Kankakee County Clerk’s website.

Kankakee County Clerk Am I Registered to Vote?

License Applications

Please fill out the appropriate form and then use one of the methods below to submit to the Village.

The applications may be submitted in the following way:

  1. In person at the Village Hall
  2. Email – ZGh1cmxleUB2aWxsYWdlb2ZtYW50ZW5vLmNvbQ==

Please note that licenses will not be granted until the application is approved and the proper fees are paid.